Quitting Your Job and Creating A Successful Online Business

Quitting Your Job and Creating A Successful Online Business

How To Quit Your Job and Become Your Own Boss

Do you dream of quitting your job? Want to turn your hobby into an online business? You’re not crazy, I’ve been there! I hope my Etsy success story can inspire you! I’ve included tips on how to reach success and how to make money online.

“Safe” Is A Dangerous Word

My old job was safe – people were nice, the benefits were awesome, and things were overall good. There was even discussion that I would get a promotion once my coworker retired. I had a routine that I think would make most people happy. Also, my paycheck always had me crawling back. Although things were good, I was horribly unhappy with my routine.

I didn’t understand why I was unhappy. Multiple times every week I had to convince myself that I should be happy. One weekend I called my friend and told her something was wrong with me, I hated my job and the routine. She comforted me and told me that my feelings will pass.

Is this you too? Let me share my story of quitting my day job and jumping into a an exciting new world on Etsy – the creative world of design!

Taking the Leap

If you’re reading this, you may be wondering what the other side looks like – the freedom of being your own boss. Know that it takes hard work, dedication and an initial pay cut. The decision to quit my job didn’t come in days or weeks, rather it was months in the making. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that there was something more for me. It’s an awful feeling that you can’t wrap your head around.

Before work one morning I called my husband crying telling him how much I hated my job. This was not an unusual call, I’ve called him many times upset. On top of that I always felt stupid crying in the parking lot. He told me since before I started that job that I would hate it (funny how spouses know us better than ourselves). With his support, I finally mustered the courage to give my two weeks notice. The feeling was scary and liberating.

During this time, I started posting designs on Etsy. You can read more about my pathway to Etsy here. I had self-doubt and no clue what I was doing on Etsy, but at the same time I knew what I was doing was right.

More Articles About Finding Success as a Designer:

How I made 30K: https://www.paperdelsol.com/how-to-make-money-selling-printables/

How to start your Etsy shop: https://www.paperdelsol.com/starting-an-etsy-shop/

If you decide to take the leap, understand that success won’t come overnight. I’ve learned a lot about myself during this transition. Below is my personal recipe for success and the three biggest lessons I’ve learned. These lessons apply to anyone taking the leap to self-employment.

My Recipe For Success:

How to quit your job and sell on Etsy (or anywhere)…

  1. Treat design like your old job and work 9am – 5pm Monday through Friday.
  2. Post a product on Etsy once per day and promote on social media everyday.
  3. Don’t stop. Even if you’re clueless, have self doubt, don’t know what you’re doing. Don’t stop.

Lessons I’ve Learned

  1. Don’t let failure and weakness get you down. With my design career I’ve had hits and misses. I’ve designed things that were big flops. I’ve made mistakes. Rather than quitting I shifted gears based on what customers liked. There’s going to be products that people just won’t *get*. Rather than forcing it, use the lack of sales as a sign to shift gears.
  2. Keep going even if you have no clue what you’re doing. When I first started designing, my products were simple. Also, I had zero experience with running a business. I designed products based on the idea that someone out in the world needs my product. I solved business problems as they came. As I continued, my designs became more advanced. My best advice if your starting out is to just roll with it and solve problems as they come. There’s that saying that it takes 10,000 hours to become a master of something. Become a master. I was able to achieve mastery of my craft by following my recipe for success. Find your recipe for success.
  3. Find your niche. When I first opened my shop, my products were in a sea of similar products. I played with different design styles until I found what my customers wanted. Having unique products gave my shop an advantage because customers would seek out my shop for their unique needs. So, find your niche! Create something that only you are an expert at making. As you create new and original products you will notice other stores will start to copy you. Don’t get mad, this is the ultimate form of flattery! Believe me, customers will know that your shop produces the best products.

Success Found

Boy am I glad that I took that leap of faith! During the peak of my business I had a full time income from my creative endeavors. My shop was added to the top 1% of Etsy digital sellers! What’s most important is that I’m a mom and I spent all day with my babies when they were little. I’m so happy that I made a leap of faith!

Are you ready to give design a go? Whether you’re into art, animation, illustration, music or another art, know that you’re not alone! You don’t have to quit your job to become a designer. You can be a weekend designer! Whatever you decide, know that I’m on your side. Please read my success tips.